
Articles Posted in Automobile Accidents


Talk to your insurance adjuster, raise your PIP

We recommend that all of our clients get as much Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance as they can–it’s inexpensive, and it makes a huge difference in your Maryland auto accident case. PIP is a type of no-fault insurance. In exchange for a small premium, it pays medical expenses and a…


Limited Insurance Proceeds

I’ve had a few sad cases recently. In each case, my client was injured in an accident. In each accident, there were other people injured, as well. My clients went to the hospital, and were treated for their injuries. Neither of my clients had health insurance. Neither of them had…


Do you owe more on your car than it’s worth?

Our usual recommendation to people is that when they lease a car, purchase GAP (Guaranteed Auto Protection) insurance. GAP insurance makes up the difference between fair market value of a car and what you owe on the car (the second figure is sometimes higher). This type of insurance is important…


Spying on Texting Drivers

The Federal government wants to know whether you’ve been texting and driving. They have authorized grants to two states, Connecticut and Massachusetts, for anti-texting enforcement programs. Each state will get $275,000.00. This money will be used to train police officers on how to detect texters–not only from their patrol cars,…


How Much Will Maryland Save With Scooter Helmet Law?

We posted recently about the new law requiring moped and scooter riders to wear helmets, procure insurance and have their vehicles titled (Maryland Helmet Law Now Extends to Scooters). An interesting question is what this will do for Maryland’s finances? One article cites that there are 3,500 scooters in Maryland–with…


Maryland Helmet Law Now Extends to Scooters

Effective today, moped and scooter riders must wear helmets. Maryland has proudly required motorcyclists to wear helmets since 1992 (though, the law is not without its detractors, who try to repeal it at every opportunity). This makes sense, of course: we require seatbelts, carseats and booster seats in cars, and…


Proving The Defendant Was Texting While Driving

With so many accidents caused by distracted driving, it’s a fair bet that, in any given accident, the negligent driver was on a handheld phone or handling e-mail or text messages while driving. In many cases, that fact is not important: if the defendant admits liability, or if liability is…


$250,000 Per Leg: Texting Motorcycle Accident Case Settles

The New Jersey couple who were hit by a texting driver while riding their motorcycle settled their case against the driver for $500,000. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kubert, who were on the motorcycle, lost a leg because of the motorcycle accident. We wrote about this story in May (Distracted Driving…


Backlash Against Progressive

The internet has been in a furor over Progressive’s treatment of a Maryland family following the wrongful death of young woman in an auto accident. Is the furor justified? Check out our Generation J.D. blog post to find out: Evil Insurance Company? Following the Law? Both?

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